Welcome to the Rotary Club of Kardinia. We are a diverse group of action oriented men and women who support local, national and international communities. We are always searching for more action focused people to join us.
Our club includes many really capable and influential people and we meet for breakfast once a week where we discuss community issues, build friendships and plan our action.
We warmly welcome guests at any one of our weekly breakfast meetings to learn more about our community involvement, Rotary and our club.
When Wednesdays 7.15am for 7.30am until 8.30am
Where Royal Geelong Yacht Club, 25 Eastern Beach Rd, Geelong.
Cost No cost to attend the meeting while coffee and/or breakfast are available for purchase.
Members and guests are welcome to stay on later for breakfast or a second coffee! There is no charge for the meeting; coffee and breakfast available for purchase. Parking is available on Eastern Beach Rd, (free up to 9am), or Ritchie Boulevard (free after 9am)
If you'd like to join us for a meeting please contact Henry on henrybrockman@bigpond.com who will ensure we welcome you on the day.
We are a diverse group of action oriented men and women who support local, national and international communities. We are always searching for more action focused people to join us.
Our club includes many really capable and influential people and we meet for breakfast once a week where we discuss community issues, build friendships and plan our action.
We warmly welcome guests at any one of our weekly breakfast meetings to learn more about our community involvement, Rotary and our club.
When Wednesdays 7.15 for 7.30am to 8.30am
Where Royal Geelong Yacht Club, 25 Eastern Beach Rd, Geelong.
Cost No cost to attend the meeting while coffee and/or breakfast are available for purchase.
Members and guests are welcome to stay on later for breakfast or a second coffee! There is no charge for the meeting; coffee and breakfast available for purchase. Parking is available on Eastern Beach Rd, (free up to 9am), or Ritchie Boulevard (free after 9am)
If you'd like to join us for a meeting please contact our President Brian Bennett at 2013benzo@gmail.com or Secretary John Milne at milnejl@mainsl.com.au and they will ensure we welcome you on the day.
The Rotary Club of Highton Kardinia was chartered in June 1992, under the sponsorship of the Rotary Club of Highton. We later changed the name to the Rotary Club of Kardinia. The club commenced as a breakfast club and has continued to meet Wednesday mornings, although many of our activities occur on the weekends or various times of the week, providing choice for members in how they participate
The Club’s inaugural president was Bill Dimovski and the Club had 27 charter members, with another four members inducted within the first year. Three of those Club charter members remain active members of the Club.
Since its establishment, the Kardinia has been actively involved in supporting activities / projects including:
- Geelong Gourmet Goodies, providing local business products to locals as Christmas hampers.
- Rotary’s International Youth Exchange Program, hosting youth both going out of /coming into Australia to/from a diverse range of countries.
- A range of other Rotary programs to provide enriching experiences for local youth.
- Many projects to enhance the local community and assist other Community groups.
- As part of a Rotary District extending through to the South Australian border, drought assistance has been a regular focus.
- International projects in Africa and Asia with projects / activities currently being supported in Tanzania, Uganda & Bangladesh.
- In partnership with Volunteering Geelong we host the Geelong Volunteer of the Year Awards, to offer recognition to hard working volunteers throughout Geelong.
- We provide the volunteer resources to the Surf Coast Trek, an annual walk raising funds for The Give Where You Live Foundation and Kids Plus.
- Providing much needed funds to a wide range of global Rotary aid programs, most notably through the Rotary Foundation. As a club we have made substantial donations to the Rotary Foundation and other Rotary programs and through that have been able to recognise 30 of our members and members of the community with Paul Harris Fellowships for their contribution to the community and the club.
- We run a number of fundraising activities throughout the year to enable us to actively contribute to our community. In addition we are always on the lookout for ways in which we can contribute our time and energy to local community projects.
You can find out more about what our Club is doing on a week to week basis, by LIKING our Facebook page: Kardinia Rotary Facebook